Brands and Advertisers

Retail Media Networks

Deterministic Purchasers

Rippl's Fall & Halloween audiences are live!

Find audience specific details here.
Reach out to us at so we can curate the right custom audience to meet your needs! 

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Holiday desserts on a plate

Brands and Advertisers

Rippl's holiday audiences are now available on LiveRamp!

Reach 90M+ deterministic purchasers across the U.S. in convenience stores and regional grocers such as Schunucks, Wegmans and Giant Eagle.

Halloween cookies on a plate

Brands and Advertisers

Rippl's Fall & Halloween audiences are live!

Reach 90M+ deterministic purchasers across the U.S. in convenience stores and regional grocers such as Schunucks, Wegmans and Giant Eagle.

Two people looking at the monitor and discussing trends



What’s on the horizon for retail media networks? 5 Emerging Trends

Keep these key trends in mind as you launch or expand your Retail Media Network.

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