


Loyalty Data

Offline Identity Resolution

Identifying unknown in-store customers and enhancing loyalty with POS data

Personalization and relevance are the gateway to hitting customer engagement targets like increased frequency, lapsed customer reactivation and loyalty conversion. But to get there, you need enhanced insights on both known and unknown shoppers. To what degree can brick-and-mortar retailers capture and leverage those insights to understand and engage unknown customers?

Many of the revenue-enhancing opportunities for brick-and-mortar operations remain tied up in one key marketing challenge: an inability to identify in-store customers, understand their purchase behavior and engage them with targeted messages, offers and rewards. Unfortunately, many brick-and-mortar retailers are in the dark when it comes to customer engagement because they lack insight on who their in-store customers are, what and when they’re buying, and how those actions connect to online identities and behaviors.

Loyalty programs can help solve the challenge of identifying in-store customers and understanding their purchase behavior, at least for those that opt in. But loyalty programs alone cannot deliver a complete picture of in-store customers and their purchase history, creating a biased foundation to plan, execute and measure engagement strategies.

For brick-and-mortar retailers to stay competitive in the long term, offline identity resolution is mission critical, but current approaches yield problematic match rates and unreliable accuracy levels. That’s where Point of Sale (POS)  data comes in. Sign-up sheets by the register notwithstanding, most every customer provides one key data input with every in-store purchase: an abbreviated record of their card information. That information, when leveraged properly, can serve to change unknown customers into well-understood and marketed-to targets.

Download the white paper today to review existing options for identifying offline customers, including loyalty programs, and explore the potential of point of sale (POS) data for powering effective customer engagement across loyalty and non-loyalty customers.

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Identifying unknown in-store customers and enhancing loyalty with POS data

By leveraging POS data, brick-and-mortar retailers have the opportunity to identify unknown customers, gain operational insights and deliver more effective, targeted marketing engagements – all while freeing consumers from the burden of offering up their information or taking added steps.

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