Taking your vertical to new heights

Designed to meet the needs of your industry, our data and audience platform delivers the competitive edge you need in the form of scalable first-party insights, targeted campaigns and measurable results.

Deliver personalized experiences to your customers with our solution

Sports and Live Entertainment

Not everyone who enters your venue has the same purpose or preferences. From season ticket holders to one-time concert goers, deepen your understanding of every demographic to perfect the customer experience. The Bridg solution enriches your targeting capabilities and enhances your brand partnerships with unified, privacy-safe profiles that include hundreds of attributes for analysis.

Bridg solution for Sports and Live Entertainment
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Exhibitors and Studios

Whether you’re competing against endless content streams or looking to add a “wow” factor to the moviegoing experience, the audience comes first. Expand yours with offline identity resolution and gain more granular insights to engage all customers with hyper-personalized marketing and omnichannel activation. Make the most of your marketing dollars and directly measure the impact on sales with Bridg.

Bridg solution for Exhibitors and Studios
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Related resources

Stay up to date and in the know with Bridg.


Why you need to take identity resolution offline this year

Cookie deprecation sees yet another delay buying precious time for consumer-facing businesses of all shapes and sizes who continue to prepare for the cookie’s eventual demise and its impact on previous targeting and personalization strategies.


Can convenience stores escape pain at the pump and drive store margins?

For retailers, rising oil prices are more nightmare than fantasy. Convenience stores need more comprehensive customer insights to drive store traffic, and loyalty programs aren't enough to deliver.


How inflation is impacting retail spending — and what you can do about it

As retailers continue to struggle with the effects of inflation, earnings are down and prices are up. Find out how the right data can help turn inflation challenges into revenue opportunities.

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