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Unlocking regional retailer and advertiser collaboration with Rippl data media and network, powered by Bridg

Rippl data and media network, powered by Bridg, is unlocking advertiser and regional retailer collaboration, with the potential to create new revenue opportunities for retailers and enhanced consumer engagement for advertisers. Learn more about this exciting new opportunity. 

Is the RMN opportunity adding up? 

Retail media networks are a great opportunity – with a fair number of limitations. According to a recent report by LiveIntent, 73% of marketers reported plans to increase RMN investment in 2023. Additionally, 65% of retailers believe that retail media will help them expand revenue opportunities through advertising and sponsorship. But despite all the positive attitudes and investments, nearly half of advertisers have expressed frustration with the lack of inventory for RMNs. In other words, there just aren’t enough opportunities to advertise on these networks and measure the return.

The insights also aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Typically, advertisers can only access campaign audiences in aggregate form, which means they can’t gain a true understanding of individual purchase behavior that would drive more strategic decision making. 

Advertisers also struggle with closing the loop on measurement because retailer methodologies vary so much across networks, leading to a lack of standardization in reporting practices. They find themselves unable to authenticate the accuracy of measurements, and face difficulties in comparing program outcomes across different networks or against alternative tactics. 

These limitations are even more pronounced for regional retailers

While many retailers struggle to gain the first-party data scale necessary to deliver sufficient audiences for profitable RMN partnerships, these challenges only compound for regional retailers. Many of these retailers rely on loyalty data captured via self-identification at checkout as their sole source of first party insight. The loyalty approach introduces two key shortcomings: first, loyalty programs do not include every shopper, or even the average shopper at a given retailer. Second, many of those that do join will fail to identify at checkout. As a result, the retailer’s loyalty data paints a very incomplete picture of the target audience.

Additionally, for many regional grocers and convenience stores, even having data on every single shopper wouldn’t be enough. Regional retailers are simply too small to produce the scale of insight needed for effective RMN advertising. At a minimum, retailers need to produce information on about 50 million shoppers to create a viable investment opportunity for advertisers. 

Introducing Rippl, the regional retail data and media network  
For regional retailers

On their own, regional retailers can’t produce enough data to justify or sustain brand investment in retail media networks. Together, however, they make up an appealing segment for advertisers. 

Rippl data and media network, powered by Bridg allows regional retailers to join forces to create sufficient first-party data audience scale, offering advertisers a national footprint for retail media investment.

It’s a win-win: regional retailers can enter the RMN game and access a new, profitable revenue stream, while advertisers gain access to a whole new audience that was previously impossible to target on an individual, deterministic basis. Retailers could also benefit from enhanced operational collaboration with advertising partners across trade, media and shopper marketing.

Benefits for regional retailers with Rippl
For advertisers

Thanks to our leading identity resolution capabilities, the sum total of regional data also expands significantly as we help each retailer identify unknown in-store shoppers. As a result, advertisers gain a unified view of individual shoppers across retailers with SKU-level purchase insight, rather than the aggregate view to which they’ve been limited with other RMNs.

Advertisers can now enjoy remarkable new insight into previously unreachable shoppers with ~100+ enriching attributes to create more sophisticated audiences, enhance targeting and personalization, and drive transparent, consistent measurement. Advertisers will also receive access to profiles and transactions to perform their own campaign analysis, which creates more opportunities for transparent, consistent measurement across RMN investments.

Finally, advertisers will also be able to work hand-in-hand with Bridg and the Rippl network to enhance trade and media spend optimization, product innovation and positioning, and messaging using individual shopper data.

Benefits for advertisers with Rippl

As the RMN world continues to evolve, new offerings are taking shape that unlock greater transparency, precision and scale for retailers of all sizes. We’re thrilled to bring more retailers into the fold and solve key challenges advertisers at the same time through our exclusive identity resolution capabilities.

Contact us today to tap into the Rippl network and expand your regional reach today.

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